Permission to Be Human: Book Clubs and Author Fireside Chats

Got a book club or want to start one? With 25 or more purchases of the Permission to Be Human, you’ll have the opportunity to have the author, MaryBeth Hyland, join your community for a candid fireside chat on anything that sparked your interest in her book!

Discover how to align your life with your values at work, home, and within

Take the First Step Towards Reducing Stress, Increasing Your Wellbeing, and Creating a Thriving Culture around You.

Identify Your Unique Values Profile with Our FREE Self-Assessment.


“MaryBeth taught me how to consciously align actions with values. My team and I had a significant increase in our connection and authenticity as humans at work.”

Dr. Charles Johnson-Bey

Senior Vice President Booz Allen Hamilton

When a company’s culture is rooted in its core values, it attracts aligned clients, employees, work, and impact.

Did you know?

Studies show that it can take up to 22 months to recover from a toxic work environment?

Our Three-Day Flagship Business Retreat: Know, Own & Live Your Values

As human beings, we’re walking, talking, living, breathing sets of values. And so are our companies. Core values are the key to unlocking the language of our emotional intelligence.  When we genuinely understand what intrinsically motivates us, we can choose to purposefully activate our values each day and hold ourselves (and others) lovingly accountable when out of alignment.

Our multi-day Values Retreat guides you and your team through the transformative process of knowing, owning, and living your shared and unique values resulting in higher levels of engagement, trust, loyalty, connection, and productivity. We’ll teach you and your team how to identify and align with your values and craft a culture around you that nurtures new levels of productivity, engagement, and connection as a result.

Our business leadership retreats follow a three-day program that builds on the previous day’s learnings. Each day relates to knowing, owning, and living your values.


Values retreats that ignite transformational results are a meaningful investment of energy for both the participants and facilitators.
Our financial investment is based on impact and also includes

  • Preparation and post-work for the retreat’s success immediate and long term
  • Execution of flow, facilitation, outcomes, and training
  • Management and facilitation of all technology through the zoom platform (if online)
  • Materials, including individual values profiles and workbook
  • Debrief sessions immediately afterwards
  • Access to all frameworks, and recordings

Multi-day values corporate retreats start at $25,000. Pricing varies based on the scope of impact, outcomes, team size, urgency, and location.

Our Retreats Are also Available for Individual Solopreneurs

Every day presents us with challenges and opportunities to grow and evolve. For most of us, when stress arises, it’s more natural to numb, avoid and excuse our pain instead of listening to it and learning how to better take care of ourselves. It’s time to ignite powerful possibilities and make new agreements to live a more conscious, mindful life that leaves you feeling filled, and not drained.

Our values-based mindfulnesstm retreats for Solopreneurs are always a unique and uplifting experience. These retreats follow the same framework as the corporate values retreat. The difference is that instead of focusing on one company’s team, we come together with 10 fellow solopreneurs to take the same journey. To find out more, click on the button below and select “Solopreneur Retreats” on our contact survey

Start your journey today

Take the First Step Towards Reducing Stress, Living Your Values, and Creating a Thriving Culture. Identify Your Unique Values Profile with a FREE Self-Assessment.

The first step to realigning with your values is identifying what they are. We’ve created a free survey to help you know, own, and live your values. All you need is five minutes to reflect, and we’ll email a summary straight to your inbox.