The Journey to Alignment

Go on a 6-week quest in self-discovery to remember who you are at your core and return to that place of personal alignment within. Stay tuned for details about the next cohort.


“It is a journey for anyone wherever they’re at and it’s all about taking time to really be with yourself and getting to know yourself better.


“I feel so much more comfortable in my skin and I just feel so much joy going into this next year having this knowledge about myself.”


“The tools I received were invaluable. I still refer back to those, especially the boundaries.”


“If you are ready for it, then investing in those six sessions, investing the time to do the homework in between the sessions is worth every second that you put into it.”

Benefits of the course:

  • Identify and own your core values so that you have a clear and grounding compass during all of life’s transitions and obstacles.
  • Build a new connection to physical and emotional energy that drains and fills you so that you can intentionally create boundaries and environments where you can thrive.
  • Develop a deeper relationship with yourself to release other people’s expectations of who you’re “supposed to be” through time alone and actively manifesting your soul’s greatest desires.
  • Motivation towards igniting habits and routines that serve you from sunrise to sunset so that you can create lasting change beyond the course.
  • Create or expand your values-aligned community to ensure you’re supported in reaching your true potential in life.
  • Learn directly from award-winning international culture consultant and executive coach MaryBeth Hyland.

Program Details

In one fluid platform you’ll have access to:

  • 6 Weekly Focus Area Video Trainings + Supportive Tools
  • 6 Weekly Live Group Coaching
  • 24/7 Private Community Chat
  • 3 Self-Evaluations
  • Closing Ceremony

You’ll have access to this work one week at a time, as it builds on the week prior.
Training videos are released on Saturday.
Live Group Coaching are on Thursday from 12:00 – 1:00pm EST.
Full schedule coming soon
Self-Evaluations occur in the beginning, middle and end.
Access to the course platform for an additional 2 weeks following the 6 weeks together.