Introducing Our Values-Based Mindfulness Community

Join a sacred community or chosen family to support you on the lifelong journey to know, own, and live your values.

Discover how to align your life with your values at work, home, and within

Take the First Step Towards Reducing Stress, Increasing Your Wellbeing, and Creating a Thriving Culture around You.

Identify Your Unique Values Profile with Our FREE Self-Assessment.


MaryBeth Hyland Knows that when you know, own and live your values, There’s No Limit to What You Can Do.

This mindfulness community is for people who are on an intentional journey to know, own and live their values each day. We’ll provide you with practical tools to integrate into your rituals and routines while being supported by a community of humans who want to align with their authentic selves.

Did you know?

A Detroit study looked at how meditation improved productivity in the workplace. It was found that absenteeism fell by 85%, productivity rose by 120%, and injuries dropped by 70%

The Benefits of Our Mindfulness Community

  • Know, own, and live your core values so that you have a clear and grounding compass during all of life’s transitions and obstacles.
  • Build a new connection to physical and emotional energy that drains and fills you so that you can intentionally create boundaries and environments where you can thrive. 
  • Develop a deeper relationship with yourself to release other people’s expectations of who you’re “supposed to be” through time alone “being” and actively manifesting your soul’s greatest desires. 
  • Motivation towards igniting habits and routines that serve you from sunrise to sunset so that you can create a lasting sense of daily alignment
  • Expand and strengthen your values-aligned mindfulness community to ensure you’re supported in reaching your true potential in life. 
  • Learn directly from award-winning international culture consultant and executive coach MaryBeth Hyland and her life-changing holistic lifestyle coach husband, James Hyland.

Our values-Based Mindfulness Community is the Perfect Way to Continue Your Journey to Alignment

Take the First Step Towards Reducing Stress, Living Your Values, and Creating a Thriving Culture. Identify Your Unique Values Profile with a FREE Self-Assessment.

The first step to realigning with your values is identifying what they are. We’ve created a free survey to help you know, own, and live your values. All you need is five minutes to reflect, and we’ll email a summary straight to your inbox.