Permission to Be Human: Book Clubs and Author Fireside Chats

Got a book club or want to start one? With 25 or more purchases of the Permission to Be Human, you’ll have the opportunity to have the author, MaryBeth Hyland, join your community for a candid fireside chat on anything that sparked your interest in her book!

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Identify Your Unique Values Profile with Our FREE Self-Assessment.


Know, Own, and Live Your Values with Mindfulness Coaching for Individuals and Organizations

Book Clubs: Create a Meaningful Experience for Your Book Club Community

With the purchase of 25 or more audio, e-book or hard copies of Permission to Be Human, you’ll have access to discounted bulk pricing as well as a chapter-by-chapter reflection guide to lead your book club discussions.  You can dig deeper into the areas that interest you, take your understanding to a new level and learn how to apply this wisdom.

Author Fireside Chats: Learn with MaryBeth

Author fireside chats are a special invitation to those who have participated in a book club. Your community will have the opportunity to host an informal conversation with MaryBeth after listening to or reading the book. You’ll be able to ask your most pressing questions and how you can apply these simple yet profound ideas to your own life and organizational culture.

You can create your own set of questions or choose from our guide. This experience is as dynamic and can include live Q&A from your audience throughout.

As the hosting  partner, you would serve as the moderator and facilitator of the experience and open it to your community.

Start your journey today

Take the First Step Towards Reducing Stress, Living Your Values, and Creating a Thriving Culture. Identify Your Unique Values Profile with a FREE Self-Assessment.

The first step to realigning with your values is identifying what they are. We’ve created a free survey to help you know, own, and live your values. All you need is five minutes to reflect, and we’ll email a summary straight to your inbox.